
Islam has transformed the status of women from being a man’s property to having her own personality and property. The revelation of surah an-Nisa’ testifies the importance and the dignified status of women. Women are the life pillars of a country and nation.

History recorded that Saidatina Khadijah r.a, the Prophet Muhammad’s wife was one of the main individuals whom supported his arduous task as God’s Messenger. Other exalted women such as Saidatina Aisyah, Sumayyah and Nusaybah played significant role in the spread of Islam during the Prophet Muhammad’s time. Women in the time of the Companions and the following Caliphates continued to play important roles in the development of Islam.

Kelantan is one of the states in the northeast of the Federation of Malaysia. In the Malay archipelagos, Kelantanese women were known for their active involvement in society based on Islamic way of life. Kelantanese women have been involved in local politics, social and economy since time immemorial. Since 1990, their participation in the society has been enhanced when PAS administration introduced the policy of ‘Develop with Islam’ to strengthened the development and welfare of women in Kelantan. New programs and activities were planned by the State Government of Kelantan at the state assembly and parliamentary constituency levels in line with the slogan “Kelantan Cakna Wanita”. (Kelantan Cares for Women)

Therefore, the State Government of Kelantan via the Secretariat for Women Development, Family and Welfare is taking the initiative to organize an International Conference; Muslimah International Summit Kelantan 2016, to share the Kelantan state government’s experience in implementing the policy of “Develop with Islam” supported with the slogan of “Kelantan Cares for Women” for the past 25 years. It is hoped that this effort will provide opportunities for Muslim women from all over the world to learn and benefit from our experience for the betterment of the Ummah in the world and in the Hereafter.

Objectives of the Summit

  • Exposing to the participants on the current challenges, policies and best practices
    implemented by various bodies for Muslim women all over the world.
  • Discussing current views and scenarios faced by contemporary Muslim women
  • Drafting plan of action and strategy towards producing best practices for women in
    the participants’ respective country.

Theme of the Summit

“Contemporary Muslim Women: Current Challenges & Best Practices”


Muslim Scholars Association of Malaysia (PUM) and Ikatan Ilmuwan Nasional (ILMUWAN)
Supported by Secretariat of Women Development, Family and Welfare, State Government of Kelantan