
The organizer of the Summit would like to call for abstracts in relation policy, law, experience, challenges or best practices of country on the following themes:

  • Women and Law & Human Rights
  • Women and Economy
  • Women and Leadership & Politics
  • Women and Family Development
  • Women and Work Life Balance (including women’s involvement in entertainment, culture, arts and sports)
  • Women and Education
  • Women and Disaster Management (including Crisis Management)
  • Women and Health

Other relevant themes to Muslim women would also be considered by the organizer.

Panel Session

Proposals for a panel session based on specific theme on women or specific country or region are welcomed and will be considered by the organizer.
The proposed panel session should consist of four presenters including the panel convener.

Submission of Abstract

  • Submitted abstract should not be more than 300 words excluding the title, in Microsoft Word format
  • The abstract should include title, author or authors, email of the author or authors and organization represented
  • Abstract and the paper can be in English or Arabic or Malay language
  • Please send the abstract to, latest by 20th June 2016.
  • Notification of abstract acceptance will be made on 25th June 2016.

Submission of Paper

  • For accepted abstract, please submit the full paper by 25th July 2016 to in Microsoft Word format for the purpose of editing and publication.
  • Each paper must be between 5-10 page (A4 size paper) including abstract and references, 1.5 spacing, font size 12, Times new Roman and using APA format.
  • For the purpose of publication, the fee for the Summit must be paid no later than 31st July 2016.
  • Copyright of the published papers will be of the conference organisers.

Guidelines for Paper Presentation At The Parallel Sessions

  • Published papers and accepted abstracts without completed papers will have the
    opportunity to present during the Summit.
  • The language of presentation are English, Malay and Arabic. Each speaker will be
    allocated a maximum of 15 minutes to present his or her paper.
  • The presentation venues are equipped with a computer and LCD projector.
  • Speakers who wish to use Power point slides to present their papers should
    save their slides onto a USB drive for this purpose.